Matthew Forman
2 min readMar 13, 2021


The issue is that not enough research is being done or taken seriously by scientists to even gather the necessary data to make a reasonable assessment of intelligent life interacting with earth. How can you make conclusions about it without even generating the data? it’s backwards. There is enough witness testimony from extremely credible and trained observers to merit a serious scientific investigation, not to mention radar data.

Organizations like the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies are gathering Ph.D level scientists to seriously study the phenomenon to collect and analyze quality data to explain the craft that penetrate our airspace on a daily basis, have near mid air collisions with pilots, and jam our radars. It’s worth looking into but it takes scientists to take it seriously and science communicators to not patronize the idea of studying a highly stigmatized subject that has the potential to trigger the biggest paradigm shift in human history. You’d think this would be of interest to scientists? It just takes the slightest interest to do the necessary research on the topic to realize there is credible data available to suggest we are being visited by potentially non-human intelligences. Not jumping to aliens or extra dimensionals but it’s highly unlikely we have been leap frogged by another superpower. Read the NYT Article on AATIP, Cmdr. Fravors encounter in 2004 with the Nimitz Strike Group, watch the DoD videos and tell me that’s not a technology far beyond human capabilities.

It’s unwise to ignore a phenomenon that challenges our ideas of how physics works, especially from physicists. If you haven’t even researched or examined the data that DOES exist, how can you reject its validity outright? Seems very unscientific to me. Just because something is taboo doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve examination. We should investigate the unexplained, not explain the uninvestigated. Even worse, scientists won’t even engage in a cordial discussion or debate over the topic. I can almost guarantee you haven’t even bothered to look at the data just because you automatically assume that if it’s about UFOs it must be tin foil hat non-sense, regardless of the data. I can literally give you dozens of resources of credible origin like FOIA request documents and scientific papers estimating the flight characteristics of UAP using legit radar data from a Navy SPY-1 system which suggests astronomical consumptions of energy unequivocally impossible to come from human tech. Look at the data then write an article refuting the existing data, as science requests. Just because something doesn’t fit into your mainstream paradigm doesn’t mean you should ignore it without even looking. I apologize if this response sounds hostile but i’m frankly astounded and a bit frustrated by those who ignore reality and refuse to do the research before making up their minds, and actively perpetuate the stigma, further inhibiting legit scientific study. Good day.



Matthew Forman
Matthew Forman

Written by Matthew Forman

Astroparticle physics PhD candidate at UC Irvine, Citizen Scientist, curious Homo Sapien. instagram: @human_wavefunction, twitter: @human_wavfnctn

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